Sunday, 1 March 2009

Restaining Kitchen Cabinets: Step by Step

Have you been thinking that it's time to update your tired old kitchen? Kitchen renovations are among the most popular projects commonly undertaken by homeowners. One of the reasons this is such a popular project is that so much of our time is spent in the kitchen. Kitchen renovations are also one of the best ways to increase the value of your home. Whether you've got a hefty budget or hardly any budget at all, restaining kitchen cabinets can revitalize even the most exhausted kitchen dcor.

First things first; before we can add a fresh coat of stain, finish or paint, we must remove as much of the old finish as possible. Unless the old finish is completely removed the new stain will not be able to penetrate into the grain the way it is supposed to.

To strip kitchen cabinets of their old finish, use a wood stripping solvent. These can be found in any home improvement or hardware store. Simply take a little time to compare the different products. For the most part, wood stripper is wood stripper, but there are some specialty products that may or may not be more effective for the particular type of wood or finish that you're working with.

You'll want to pour the wood stripper stuff into bowl type of container if it doesn't already come that way. Apply the stripping solvent to the kitchen cabinets using a paint brush. You'll soon notice that the solution becomes rather thick and even a bit bubbly. This is the finish dissolving and coming out of the wood.

Here's what makes restaining kitchen cabinets so much fun: Now you must remove the stripping solvent and finish mixture using any means necessary. You'll want to scrape the flat surfaces with something flat and metallic, but you will probably need to use some flexible scouring pads or cloth to get into the crevices and remove all the goop.

You may very well have to apply and scrape off the wood striper more than once. Especially with very old wood whose finish has been touched up countless times over the years, it is possible that some old finish will remain after one stripping session. Of course, the longer you leave the solution on, the more finish it will remove in a session.

It's not a bad idea to rub down the wood with some mineral spirits or even soapy water where the stripping goop remains. Then allow the cabinets to dry thoroughly before even thinking about moving on the staining portion or your project.

When the cabinets have dried completely, begin to apply your stain. Only application and your own eyes can tell you if you'll need more than one coat of stain. If you want the color more vibrant, apply more stain. Unlike finishing materials, you don't have to wait for stain to dry completely before adding more, but it is a good idea to let it soak in all the way before deciding if it needs more stain.

Wipe excess stain from the wood with a clean cloth. Be sure to finish your creation off with a good finish or other wood protecting material to keep your new kitchen cabinets looking great for years to come.

About The Author:
Shemika Harroun is the Editor and Publisher of Article Click. For more FREE articles for your ezine and websites visit -