Wednesday, 19 November 2008

Use a Proper Kitchen Tile Design For Your Kitchen

Would you love the tiles of your study room to be messy and look separate from the rest of the study? Nobody in their right senses would like that. The housewife spends a considerable amount of her time in the kitchen preparing various delicacies for you and your family. Hence it is reasonable that the kitchen tile design of her domain should be pleasing and should provide her with comfort as long as she is in the cooking room. Properly selected tiles should merge themselves with the kitchen and should not be loud. When you go for selecting tiles that will be used to cover the walls of your kitchen, it is best that you take your wife along, for it is she who has to spend the maximum number of hours in the kitchen.

Selecting tiles for the kitchen is very difficult. Kitchens are not like all other rooms and certain parts of their walls, especially those that are near the over and burners will be subjected to a lot of heat. Hence one needs to select tiles that can withstand heat without expanding too much. Then there are the porosity factors. Regardless of the exhaust and the chimney that you use in your kitchen, there will be oil fumes and they will eventually deposit themselves on top of the tiles. In these cases properly selected tiles help a lot. They will ensure that you do not have problems while cleaning your kitchen tiles. You should know that the walls of your kitchen are probably the ones that take the maximum abuse.

Spill over spill outs adhere themselves on the walls and unless the tiles are stain-resistance, you shall be facing a tough time cleaning them. Do not use a single color for the tiles of your kitchen. Mix them up judiciously so that they brighten up the environment of the kitchen. There are many different types of tiles that are available for the kitchen and they come in various colors. Visit more than one shop to ensure that you can get the best tile available for your kitchen. If you have problems understanding the type of tiles required in the kitchen, just take a glance through many illustrated books on kitchens. They will help you have an idea about the type of tiles that you can use.

There are some tiles that are chemically inert and these are recommended for use in your kitchen. Use a combination of colors that gel with the floor of your kitchen and also the ovens and other equipments you have in your kitchen. If all of this is confusing you, why not consult an interior designer? They might charge some consultation fee, but their expertise will assure that the kitchen tile design that you select for your kitchen is soothing to the eye and will help to lift your spirits during your sojourns to the kitchen. You could also use some decorative tiles to brighten up your kitchen.